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RoundUp Meeting List

All meetings highlighted in blue will be recorded. Recordings include the entire meeting and the shares. See Media Policy Below.

Click here to download a PDF of the meeting list.



Saturday Meetings

9-9:45amPanel: ExperienceAuditorium
10-10:50amSerenity: Navigating the Road to Recovery as a BeginnerAuditorium
10-10:50amEmbracing Recovery: A Small Journey of HealingRoom #1
10-10:50amCourage to Change: Embracing GrowthRoom #2
10-10:50amBeyond the Rooms: Flourishing in a Life of WellnessRoom #3
10-10:50amThriving in Abstinence: Renewing my Life and Restoring HopeRoom #4
11-11:50amRecovery in Action: Living Life to the FullestAuditorium
11-11:50amHonoring Progress, Inspiring ChangeRoom #1
11-11:50amLiving Authentically: Honoring Myself, Honoring the GroupRoom #2
11-11:50amEmbracing VulnerabilityRoom #3
11-11:50amA Roadmap to Recovery: Navigating Challenges and Embracing GrowthRoom #4
12-1:30pmLunch BreakCafeteria
1:30-2:15pmPanel: Strength

NY Intergroup Countdown Raffle- Door Prize
2:30-3:15pmDay 1 is not a four letter word!Auditorium
2:30-3:15pmLiving Authentically: Honoring myself, honoring the groupRoom #1
2:30-3:15pmEmbracing Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit in abstinence.Room #2
2:30-3:15pmMen’s Meeting: Health IssuesRoom #3
2:30-3:15pmWomen’s Meeting: Health issuesRoom #4
3:20-4:30pmThe Way to Healing: Navigating Recovery’s ChallengesAuditorium
3:20-4:30pmSurvival vs livingRoom #1
3:20-4:30pmStrength in Surrender: Letting Go and Finding Inner PeaceRoom #2
3:20-4:30pmReclaiming your life: Transformations in recoveryRoom #3
3:20-4:30pmNurturing Wellness: Self-care and Abstinent PracticesRoom #4
4:15- 5pmLiving in Balance: Mindfulness and Well-beingAuditorium
4:15- 5pmJourney to Empowerment: Finding Strength in the GroupRoom #1
4:15- 5pmBouncing Back After RelapseRoom #2
4:15- 5pm12 Stepping into Recovery: Finding Strength in the RoomsRoom #3
4:15- 5pmSharing with our familiesRoom #4

2024 Sunday Meeting

9-9:45amPanel- HopeAuditorium
10-10:50amWisdom from the Journey: Lessons Learned in AbstinenceAuditorium
10-10:50amTransforming Pain into PurposeRoom #1
10-10:50amStrength in Unity: Supporting one anotherRoom #2
10-10:50amFinding Balance: Mind, Body, and SpiritRoom #3
11-11:50amResilience in RecoveryAuditorium
11-11:50amEmergency exit (being prepared)Room #1
11-11:50amFrom Struggle to StrengthRoom #2
11-11:50amEGORoom #3
12-12:50pmConnections and Community in the rooms by Building BridgesAuditorium
12-12:50pmStrength in Surrender: Letting Go and Finding Inner PeaceRoom #1
12-12:50pmSeeds of Hope: Nurturing Growth in GreaysheetRoom #2
12-12:50pmCourageous Hearts: Overcoming Adversity in RecoveryRoom #3


Media Policy Statement

A trusted servant will be taking photographs of portions of this event for archival documentation purposes only. They are not being used for posting on public or private social media and all attendees’ personal anonymity will be respected in compliance with the Eleventh Tradition. (Please see any Committee Member for questions or concerns regarding this policy.)